5EP4200SC : 6.0v 4200mAh Sub-C rechargeable NiMH
$ 54.00
5EP4200SC : 6.0volt 4200mAh rechargeable Ni-MH battery pack for RC hobby. Made with 4200mAh Sub-C cells. Super long-life, heavy-duty battery; can be slow-charged or fast-charged. Choose shape (flat or offset) and connector(s) (Futaba / SPEkTRUM-JR-HiTEC-Z / Airtronics, iC3, red T, EC3, Tamiya) or just Wire Leads.
Size of flat pack = 4.5" across, 1.75" tall. 0.9" thick. Weight = (approximately) 12oz.
These are made to order. Please allow 2-3 days lead time for production.