8H2000SC Rebuild Service for JR PROPO Battery Cartridge
This is a pre-payable Rebuild Service for the JR PROPO # 8H2000SC 9.6 volt transmitter battery cartridge. If your # 8H2000SC battery cartridge is not working anymore, you can send it to us (at the address shown below), and we will rebuild it with premium-quality 2000mAh NiMH "eneloop" cells. They are carefully spot-welded together, and solder-connected to the PCB in the cartridge. These eneloop battery cells are PRE-CHARGED and ready to use. Furthermore, they RETAIN THEIR CHARGE for over a year if not used !
When you receive back your rebuilt 8H2000SC battery pack, you can install it in the back of your transmitter right away, close the hatch, and start using. This rebuilt battery pack will hold its full charge for over a Year if not put into use.
Since these are 2000mAh capacity batteries, they can be re-charged (after you've used them and run them down) with the Stock JR Wall Charger. Important note: Your original JR PROPO wall charger is Not a smart charger, so you would have to Unplug it after the time period indicated in the transmitter users manual. Full charge time is typically 12 - 14 hours, then unplug. Consult your user manual to Confirm their recommended full re-charge time.
Return shipping to USA addresses is $ 8.75.
PICTURED: a re-built 8H2000SC battery pack with the 2000mAh eneloop NiMH cells inside.
Ship-To Address:
205 West Main Street
Mount Horeb, Wisconsin 53572 USA